Submissions are accepted on a regular basis, year-round.
Can include, short stories, essays, poetry and prose.
Must not exceed 3,000 words.
Must be written by a current ESA student, or alumni.
Submissions are accepted:

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Parent by Olivia Mokrzycki

Sweetest cherry on the tree, 
trembling hands reach up to pick it
Same hands that tuck me in
Same hands that wake me up
Glossy browns
in her eyes and her hair
Chasing me around the chair
Running the bath
Too hot, too hot, too cold
Slow tone, rustling inside us
soft purrs from our lips
eyes closed, arms to the sun
the blood of a collected love
told stories through dances, through songs
Taught me more than mother did,
Always will 

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